How much money do you get for losing a limb?
The loss of an arm, leg, finger or toe can be a devastating injury that can impact a person’s ability to earn a living and lead a full life. Victims of such injuries have the right to seek fair compensation for their damages, including past and future medical expenses, ongoing therapy, home modifications, and prosthetics. However, obtaining fair and reasonable compensation from insurers is a complicated process that requires the expertise of a qualified amputation attorney.
The first step in pursuing amputation Spinal cord injury lawyer with in-depth knowledge compensation is filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. However, a claim with an insurance company is an adversarial situation because insurance companies are businesses that exist to maximize profits and minimize losses. An experienced NYC amputation lawyer can help level the playing field against the insurance company and work to obtain a maximum payout for victims’ damages.
A qualified amputation lawyer will begin the case by preparing and filing all necessary documents required for litigation. This typically includes giving notice to the defendant that you’re taking legal action, requesting records related to the accident and your injuries, and initiating the discovery period of the case. An amputation lawyer will also negotiate with the insurance company and, if a fair settlement cannot be reached, prepare to take the case to trial.
It’s important to work with a results-driven attorney when pursuing compensation for your amputation injuries because these damages are significant and long-lasting. Your attorney will assess the full extent of your damages, and fight to ensure that you receive the highest possible compensation for your current and future medical costs, ongoing therapy, loss of income due to inability to work, loss of enjoyment of life activities, pain and suffering, and other damages.
Your medical and financial experts will determine the total amount of your current and future medical costs for treatment that has been rendered necessary by your amputation injuries. These expenses include the cost of corrective surgery, physical therapy, and rehabilitation costs. It may also be necessary to purchase and maintain new equipment, such as a motorized scooter or knee/hip replacement. It’s also important to factor in the cost of your prosthetic, which will need regular replacement over time.
Non-economic damages are less measurable and more subjective, but they are still important in your compensation claim. This includes emotional pain and suffering, such as anxiety and depression, which are common after a catastrophic injury like an amputation. It also includes the intangible costs of losing the enjoyment of hobbies, vacations, and spending quality time with your family.
If you’ve lost an arm, leg, or toe due to a car crash, workplace accident, medical malpractice, or another unfortunate circumstance that was not your fault, contact The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., for a free consultation with an experienced amputation injury attorney today. Call or fill out our online form to schedule your appointment. Our lawyers will speak with you in a private and confidential meeting to discuss your case.
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